Urban Bioenergy-Biochar: An Opportunity Assessment for Municipalities


Kathleen Draper & Hans-Peter Schmidt, Ithaka Institute for Carbon Intelligence


Funding for this paper was provided by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Urban Drawdown Initiative, Urban Sustainability Directors Network, the Climate Neutral Cities Alliance, and the cities of Boulder, Minneapolis, and Helsinki.

Copyright© 2021 Urban Drawdown Initiative & Ithaka Institute


With support from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, UDI worked with leading bioenergy-biochar technical experts to conduct an extensive assessment of urban bioenergy-biochar opportunities utilizing four cities as case studies: Stockholm, Helsinki, Minneapolis, and Boulder (Colorado). This analysis covers the state of current knowledge and applications of bioenergy-biochar technologies as applied to urban resource settings. The public report also includes an appendix with extensive technical information on market-ready technologies currently available in both North America and Europe.


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