Colorado Front Range Urban Forestry Expansion Strategy - Summary



2021, Urban Drawdown Initiative & Trees for Community Recovery, including local partner organizations listed in Appendix A.


With support from the J.M. Kaplan Fund, UDI spent six months working with close to 40 local organizations and jurisdictions in the Colorado Front Range/Denver-Metro area to formulate a detailed, equity-centered urban forestry scale-up strategy.  This report provides extensive details on the strategies developed through this broad coalition including equity-based workforce development, community-centered engagement strategies, forestry project scoping and scaling, and an applied urban forestry research approach.  This document is meant to be a resource and reference to other metro areas and regions around the country and an indication of the scale of funding and resources needed to achieve transformative urban forestry actions.


Urban Forestry Scale-Up Portfolio: Vanguard Cities


Urban Bioenergy-Biochar: An Opportunity Assessment for Municipalities